Watch No Waifu No Life All Episodes HD Free
Watch No Waifu No Life All Episodes HD Free

No Waifu No Life

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Overview: “Owner's Wife.” The newlyweds found a new house and went to greet their landlord, where they found Murai, a former volleyball coach, had taken over the family business. Marin Momokan had bitter memories of Murai when she was a student and just as she was trying to avoid him as much as possible, she found him when she returned home after leaving the company on a long career break. Masashi, the husband, was put to sleep and the space was now just the two of them. The director is a former sex friend, and he fondles her breasts as if it were natural. Marin tries to refuse, but the events of the past gradually come back to her and she can't forget the body of the middle-aged Murai. She is hooked on each of his techniques and gradually her feelings are shifting toward Murai.

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