Watch Reginetta-san no Bouken All Episodes HD Free
Watch Reginetta-san no Bouken All Episodes HD Free

Reginetta-san no Bouken

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Overview: Hello, everyone! This is me, the most beautiful, intelligent, and sexy robot, Rizinetta! This time, we're going on a vacation to an uninhabited island! A swimsuit episode! It was actually pretty cheap. I bought it for 100,000 yen! What? You think I'm being scammed? Hahaha, what are you talking about, rabbit? Of course not! I'm too intelligent for that! So, I apologize for the misleading title, but please enjoy this laid-back story without any adventure! “There are too many monsters here. Is this place cursed?” Wait, there are still monsters? Rizinetta, the self-proclaimed most beautiful, intelligent, and sexy robot. Her huge breasts swaying as she fights the lewd monsters. Her moans escaping as she pleases them. Are you really human?

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